Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I, wine, have completed my demarcation

Nothing beats a thunderstorm. God manifests Himself quite strikingly within them. The intense energy and heat of lightning and the profound rumbling of the thunder speak of His majesty and might. The wind blows furiously then subsides, ascribing sovereignty and mercy to Him who directs it, and the rain that falls returns life to a creation marred by the fall. If I'm ever in need of something to marvel about God, nature is right there to impress me. You may not see it from my point of view as, an engineer. All I see surrounding me is an immense system comprised of an infinite number of subsystems from the spinning of the cosmos down to the stuff that comprises what comrpises elementary particles. The hallmark of good design is how well a system works with the systems it interfaces with, and the interface is flawless in every system I examine. It's a pitiful waste of intellect to attempt to compartmentalize all that, dissect it and categorize it, then try to say that it all happened by chance. It's absolutely absurd, yet patently so I suppose.

Ahh, the quarter is coming to a close at last. Got one quarter-long assignment out of the way, got a final project that seems fairly easy, and the final project doesn't seem insurmountable except for getting good results. But I guess if we can show them that we tried, that's good enough. Research projects aren't always successful.

Eagerly awaiting word from Lockheed Martin about the EME position. It's in His hands, however, so I'm doing my best to assume I didn't get the job so that I have to trust Him fully with that area of my life. It's one of two that I tend to have trouble losing control of.

Had an amazing talk with Tia last night, very refreshing. I'm thankful that we're still able to have lengthy discussions about everything. Such communication is the cornerstone of any relationship, romantically inclined or not, but especially in the former sense.

Feeling particularly profound today, quite a switch from the dismal introspection of yesterday. It's baffling that our emotions can be so instable, but we're only human. Perhaps that is why people find it difficult to believe in God, they can't see past the haze of their own perception. I heard a man on campus mentioning that he was becoming increasingly atheistic lately. I recognized him, a friend of Tia's from TS, and it made my heart turn. Then an interesting thought came to me: perhaps people are more prepared to force themselves not to believe in a God than to belive in a God they can't control. There again is that inability to understand anything beyond what we perceive. I believe that ignorance is chosen, not innate. What a shame so many choose it.


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