Monday, May 31, 2004

Once affected, now affecting...

Some things God builds into our personalities, for better or for worse. Leave aside the better things for the moment. What purpose do "character flaws" serve? First consider that not all of what we call flaws are truly that. Have you some trait that irritates you at times but has not caused anyone damage? It could be possible that though it is a burden you sometimes bear, that quality might be used by the Spirit to minister to another. Don't despair of such gifts. Rather, seek to use them for doing God's work in the lives of others. I can't tell you how to do it, but there are many who can, not less the Lord himself through prayer.

The second type of flaws are those that cause ill results. God gives us our genes quite without our permission. And sometimes, riding piggyback on our lineage come certain traits which, left to themselves, can cause much harm. For example, severe anger, greediness, a sharp tongue, alcoholism, etc. God will use these things also, but for a different purpose. "All things are permissible, but not all things are beneficial." That's slightly out of context, but not misused. So while it's not always your choice to have those qualities, one should take stock of them and consider whether or not they are beneficial. If not, then it's likely that God desires to draw you closer to Himself by challenging you with such quirks. No leader that the Lord chose EVER had it all down pat. Moses was easily angered, Isaiah was unconfident, Jeremiah was easily depressed, as was Paul, David and Solomon had lust problems. Point is, God will use those "thorns in your flesh" to prove your dependence on him. This is not a bad thing; it's a handy reminder of how powerless we are to manage even our own affairs.

Through prayer and healing, we draw closer to God because of our flaws. Then an extension happens, and God recycles them, puts them to work a second time. Once those traits are under God's control, now He turns them around and makes us again ministers to others. The best part is, all the training has already been done, and you didn't even notice. Turns out you can use your own experience with that flaw to assist others who face the same challenges. This works in more circles than just personality, too. Isn't God amazing?


Blogger Tia said...

So true. Thank you.

12:37 PM  

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