A fair 10 minute walk to the dish
My cactus, Pins, is sporting a healthy tiara of majestic magenta blooms these days. A year or two ago some malicious fiend burned off all his spines while I was away over Christmas two years ago. But fortunately they didn't damage his nubs, and by and by he's been growing new ones and they have been gradually moving the old ones down towards his base. In fact, he's now about 55% restored. I owe it to the gracious and painstaking care of Kenton, who conscientiously nursed him back to health while I was away in rooms without direct sunlight. Thanks Kento! But the flowers are the result of the cactus food Holly gave me a while back. Thanks Holly! Anyway, I snapped a picture of him with the webcam. The color doesn't do him justice; his flowers are much prettier in natural light to the unhindered eye. Behold his majesty!

What glory indeedy :) When I was little I saw a cactus and wondered what it felt like so I encircled the entire "cute little" thing in my hand. Got a bunch of pricklies to show for my curiosity...
But at least curiosity never killed the kitten. I'm sorry for your poor little paws though.
What am I? Chopped liver? That thing recouperated in my bedroom for months and months after that unnamed jerk burnt of all of his spines.
Oh yes! How could I forget you, Kenton! Please accept my humblest apologies. The post has been edited.
Hooray, Pins lives! I'm so glad he has recovered. The flowers are gorgeous. I hope life is going great and that you smile when you see the sunshine.
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