Saturday, August 21, 2004

Try again, Kochese; make a turnip.

Single dwellers alert: Got two or three servings of spaghetti sauce you don't know what to do with? Buy a can of chili beans in medium sauce and simmer them together. Makes a darn good chili. But then, mom's recipie is pretty hearty to begin with, it ain't no marinara.

Following Kento's lead, I decided to head on down to the weight room, having excess calories to burn...ya know, since I use so many sitting at my desk all day. Although I noticed that, since the stairs are by the bathroom door and they're outdoor and each floor in my building is a good 20 feet tall, that it makes a nice blood churner to hike down them and back up at breakneck pace. Anyway, I made a full round of the complex workout room including a one mile run, a full upper and lower body workout, and more crunches than I care to remember. I will be wondering what possessed me to do this in a day or two. I went swimming on Tuesday though, and that was good. As I said to Joel, moving around isn't so bad once you get used to it.

Something occurred to me. In the week I've been living here, I have seen only two other tenants who are white. Everyone else is East Indian or Asian. The complex has like 900 units. And another thing I noticed. Every single Indian family has at least one small child. In fact every Indian family I've seen anywhere around here is carting one or more brats around. Is it some sort of law that they must be in possession of a toddler at all times? And what happens when the kids grow up? Do they skip their teenage years entirely? I've seen no Indian youth here, only children and parents. It's very odd.

My cubiecle at work is among the coldest in the building, I found out. Some of my coworkers, who sit several spaces away, were bringing down blankets and space heaters to work last winter. I also dress WAY too formally for this job, which I'm pleased about. I probably couldn't get away with wearing jeans and a T-shirt, so I'm off to the thrift store tomrrow to get me some polos and old dockers. Who knows, they may even let me get away with my baggy skaterish jeans. I suppose the worst they could do is chide me and tell me not to wear that anymore. So hopefully I can teeter as close to the normal clothing threshold as possible. We'll see.

Before I completely destroy my circadian rhythm, I shall leave. I've been getting up at 6. I feel so OLD doing that, but getting off work at 4:30 has its benefits. For those of you who have been praying for me, thanks. Everything's going smoothly, I have want of nothing, save furniture, and I'm currently saving up for that. It'll be ready by christmas when the folks come down, and indeed long before that. If you're gonna be in the bay area, look me up. My phone number will be changing soon, but I'll be darned if I'm gonna post it here. You'll just have to ask me yourself. Well, tata.


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