Monday, August 16, 2004

Comfort Food

So I though to myself, "I'll go broke if I keep eating out." And sure enough, I spent a lot of money this weekend. Geesh. It's very difficult starting out on your own, especially when you're the type of person who wants to get everything setup at the beginning. My apartment is still a shambles. Blech. That's what weekends are for I guess. But I digress.

I decided to cook myself something and settled on spaghetti. Of course, I don't have a recipie for the sauce so I gave mom a jingle. It was easy enough, and 10 bucks later I was on my way (plus other stuff I forgot I needed...blasted unexpected expenses!) I've already written about how smell is closely tied to memory. So it was comforting to have a familiar aroma fill my kitchen...assuages some of the aloneness. I'm not lonely, mind you, it takes quite a bit for me to get that way anymore, what with new friends at work and the internet (and phone if I need it).

It's even good to have the time to myself. Gives me a chance to do some much-needed introspection and talking with God. I was recently enlightened to a rather serious character flaw I had been exhibiting unknowingly so I've been praying like mad for God to change that about me. Unfortunately it's not something I can be proactive about. I guess I'll just have to be patient and vigilant...whoopdedoo. Praise God for trials, I suppose. Sooner or later I'll hafta change my attitude about that. Every corner you turn you realize you have to depend on God for yet another thing. Too bad it's so hard to let yourself be so weak.


Blogger Tia said...

But trials are so FUN! At least, when you're not actually IN them. And yes dear, you can be proactive about it. More on that later :) God bless, I prayins

8:22 PM  

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