Altered states of consciousness
Been a few, but not that many, since the last one. I'm in MN now visiting Tia and her family. So far the decompression period has been jovial. Both Tia and I relish these languid, irresponsible days. It's been interesting. The forthcoming doom that awaits us has resulted in somewhat strange behaviors on her part. She plays the part of a drapery quite well. I don't mind; I'm not adverse to such affections, except in that they encourage lasciviousness in my mental spaces, which is somewhat difficult to reign in even by prayer. The coming schism will be the ultimate strain test of the masonry we've constructed over the last 9 months. Either God will cause it to withstand the space-time intrusion, or He will allow it to atrophy into non-existence. Either way His will is good, but it's not always easy to really believe that.
Her family enjoys having me around though. The lattermost calls me her "teddybear" and latches on similarly to the foremost. The remainder enjoy having me around for one reason or another -- their "walking stupid human trick" I seem to have become. I've been doing my best to help Pat & Lydia with various things in an attempt to soften the blow of my (in my opinion) lengthy imposition upon their household. I think they're enjoying the assistance...a live-in babysitter/handyman...who wouldn't, I suppose. :-)
I am miserably out of shape. I made a feeble attempt at exercise today and realized that I've been sedentary for far too long. One of my many resolutions for moving to CA will be to settle into a regular exercise regimen. It is wise to make good of the body the Lord gave me while it's still young enough to make good.
These entries tend towards the verbose, so I shall abridge it thusly: Stay tuned for more exciting news.