Friday, October 08, 2004

Plastic Pterodacty Phylactery Pneumonia Pressure

A new consonant every time!

I swear Kenton and Tia and I are the only ones who blog anymore. Maybe it's because we're all separated from UCU. We pour our hearts out because A) we like talking about ourselves, and 2) We think you're interested in our lives. But everyone else, no, we receive no word from them. So we hang on in eager expectancy, and are dissapointed Thanks for sharing YOUR lives with us you self-possesed Benedict Arnolds! (I'm joking, you realize.)

I found out that a league is equal to 3 miles, whichever mile you're using. If it's on land, it's a standard mile, if on water, a nautical mile. So that got me thinking, you know, Jules Verne was way off his rocker! There's no way you could go 20,000 leagues under the sea in any direction! If you were to go 20,000 leagues vertically, not only would you be on the other side of the earth after only 2500 leagues, you'd pop out of the other side and land yourself in an earth-trailing orbit some four times farther out than a geostationary satellite! By that time Capt. Nemo's boat would be so far above the earth's magnetosphere that they'd all die from solar radiation poisoning or escape earth's orbit entirely. If you were to go 20,000 leagues horizontally, you'd have to circle the earth 2.5 times. It's more feasible, but what's the point? You'd be half a world away from your port of departure. Not exactly the best place to run out of gas.


Blogger Joel A. Shaver said...

*Insert appropriate indignation*

Incidentally, I now own two aforementioned plastic pterodactyls: Benjamin and Neville (after Disraeli and Chamberlain, respectively).

You should meet them sometime. They're quite jovial.

7:27 PM  
Blogger Tia said...

And I thought I overanalyzed things. :)

7:21 AM  

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