Read these two articles first.
Total SurrenderGod's Total Surrender to UsSecondary:
This is too much for me. I can't attain it. I can't wrap my mind around what is necessary to be that way. Am I
that far from God that I can't even conceive of the kind of surrender He asks? I guess all my talk is just that--talk. So much for running the race, I'm having a hard time getting to the starting line. It's somewhere between defiant and incredulous, but if the Lord expects such things of me, He's gonna have to effect them Himself. I have to give up before I even try; I don't have enough strength to get in position even. I sure hope this isn't the final outcome.
Lord, I can only seem to think in terms of asking what I can do to be near you. But your methods are so unorthodox. You don't expect doing from me, just surrender to let you do through me. But I can't understand surrender. It seems I need you in order to need you. Such second order desires weary me. If I can't do, what will you do? When will you, or are you already? I imagine your sovereignty includes the perogative to work invisibly. I'm sorry, but I don't like that. I "need" to see results, or I don't believe. Seeing is believing, so they say. Please help me to go it the other way around, as you desire of me. Amen.