I want to be a dangerous Christian. You don’t normally hear that kind of word applied to Christ’s followers without negative connotations. Well what about infectious? Or voracious? It calls to mind an image of an invalid, coughing pathogenic clouds onto passers-by, or one with large, pointed teeth, poised to consume an unsuspecting urbanite in a dark alley.
But that’s not what I’m talking about. Think about it, what sort of mushy ideals do we unconsciously set for ourselves? “I wanna love Jesus,” and “Preach peace to the nations.” Well that’s fine, but are you gonna go out of your way to do it? Will you get your hands dirty? One “worship” song that always irritated me went like this:
I don’t wanna be a casual Christian.
I don’t wanna live a luke warm life.
Cuz I wanna light up the night,
With an everlasting light.
I don’t wanna live a luke warm life.
Do you recognize it? Maybe you’re humming it in your head. It’s about the most milquetoast sounding song ever written, short of Kum-Bay-Ya. So you don’t want to be casual or luke-warm about your life. Good, cause you know what God will do with you?
He’ll vomit you out. That’s a good earthy illustration for a Mylanta sort of attitude (i.e. lots of chalky aftertaste). But what will you
do about it? That song may make you feel at ease with its aspiring platitudes, but you certainly won’t get anywhere just
feeling righteous. I’d say that’s a sure sign that you’re not!
Think of some phrases from youth group or bible study or whatever that we’re called to live up to: “Be on fire for God.” Well what happens when you touch something that’s on fire? IT HURTS! “Be salt and light.” What happens when you look at the sun? IT HURTS! What happens when you put salt (i.e. disinfectant) in a wound? IT HURTS! There’s nothing cushy or soft about being a Christian, for you or this injured world. But the surgeon has to cut into the flesh to heal it.
So here’s what I’m getting at: be dangerous, be infectious, be voracious about your faith. Consume Scriptures and pray like it’ll be your first meal in a week. Take risks for God, stick your neck out, and do something insane. You want your Life to spread to others like some kind of divine epidemic, not be quarantined behind bible studies and worship ceremonies. They have their place, but so do you, and it’s
out there.
Where’s all this excited energy coming from? The church I’m going to just had a seminar from a fellow named Sam Talbert called “
UnveilinGLORY” which I recommend highly if you want to break out of your shell and understand what the hell has happened to the church in America. I’ll give you a hint, it has to do with YOU. That’s right, YOU, and I’m leaving YOU capitalized for a reason. When you think of knowing Christ, what’s the reason that first comes to your mind? Is it so that God receives glory throughout all the earth? No, it’s probably so that your sorry butt can escape hell. I won’t lie, that’s what I said when he asked us. But God, in his mercy, loves to teach me things, and I love learning them. (That’s a selfish statement right there, but bear with me.)
Los Gatos Christian Church has a heart for missions rather beyond most. This is as it should be since we are called to go and “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” How many of you can say you’ve done that? I can’t, and it makes me indignant at myself. So God stuck me there, and by gum I’m determined to glorify Him in whatever way I can. He even put me in a perfect position to do it: I’m single, I’m not in school, I have no in-groups here, and being new to all this, I have no ruts to be stuck in. What a splendid idea, God! Here’s the essence of “Cat and Dog Theology” that Mr. Talbert spoke to us about:
A dog says, “You feed me, you pet me, you love me,
you must be God.” That’s Dog Theology.
A cat says, “You feed me, you pet me, you love me,
I must be God.” That’s Cat Theology.
Cat theology is crippling the church more and more every day. I love cats, but it’s disheartening to realize how ingrained such a self-glorifying, and ultimately self-defeating, ideology is in the Body of Christ. I encourage you to give the matter some thought. At the core of cat theology is at least one of two things: fear and pride.
The proud person wants the world to be for him because he thinks he’s so great. It’s him against the world and as far as he’s concerned, he’s in the right. (KAF, sometimes I worry about you.) And all you want is more blessings because God is merciful and abundant and has all kinds of free stuff to give out to you. But it’s like a bucket filling with fresh water. If the water doesn’t go anywhere it gets nasty and full of mosquitoes. If you put a cap on it and try to keep collecting more, it ends up ripping the bucket apart (think dry ice bomb). But if you punch a few holes in it and hang it up somewhere, all kinds of vegetation grows where the water spills out.
The fearful person wants the safest easiest, comfiest ride through life possible. This is me. I never asked for adventure or danger, I’ve always aspired to live a quiet, normal life. Well I’m finding out that’s not so worthwhile, since I’m already seeing those aspirations try to swallow my faith, nor is it what the Lord expects of us. He may put us in comfy situations, since there will always be rich people, but that’s no excuse to just coast along. If fear motivates your life, it halts your life. Mom, you always wanted to be a writer, but you never became one because you convinced yourself you couldn’t cut it. Today, you still want to write, but you won’t even write
for fun because you’re afraid of the results. Then write for yourself, journal, make up short stories in Word and save them under boring filenames, start a
blog and don’t tell anyone about it; but for goodness’ sake stop being afraid! If you reach out, especially with the goal of glorifying God, you may find that all sorts of good stuff trails along with it.
Your microwave operates at about 2.45GHz, which means that it’s like a light bulb with light of wavelength 12cm instead of 300-700nm (1cm = 10000000nm), and it heats your food as long as there’s water in it. Visible light, on the other hand, has a frequency in the terahertz range and heats almost everything whether it’s got water or not. Gamma rays have frequencies in the range of
thousands of terahertz* and can rip
atoms apart. Basically, the more high-frequency a wave is, the more energy it has, and the more work it can do. When it comes to God, are you high-frequency?
*A terahertz is 1,000,000,000,000 Hz.
A thousand terahertz is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hz.
God, in his Cleverness, made math.
And Glory be to him for making it!